Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014 - Rise of the (Langenkamp) Jedi

By popular request, I'm going to suspend my recap of the year to do a few current events.  And it doesn't get too much more current than last night - Halloween!  I asked Liam a while back what he wanted to be for Halloween this year, and to my utter delight he said "I want to be Jedi!  I will be Qui-Gon and you can be Obi-Wan!".  

I tried to explain to him the relative ages and the whole master/apprentice thing between the two, and that I should be Qui-Gon and he should be Obi-Wan, but he was having none of it.  And for those who have no idea what I'm talking about, shame on you, and click these links for info on Qui-Gon (light and heavy reading versions) and Obi-Wan (light and heavy).  I digress.

Our costumes arrived at the house on Wednesday, and Liam was instantly infatuated - he didn't want to take off the costume and he wouldn't stop playing with his lightsaber for anything!  Here are a few great shots Kristen got from that first day.

But on to the main event!  Liam and I got geared up yesterday afternoon and I got my nice camera all set up.  Then the Jedi training began!  
Camera lover sidenote: I had recently bought a wireless trigger for use with a remote speedlight flash, which also doubles as a wireless shutter trigger for the camera.  This came in crazy handy here - I just set up my camera on a tripod with the wireless trigger, got it focused on the part of the yard I knew we'd be in, and had the trigger in my hand as Liam and I had fun.  Highly recommend this.

We really had a fantastic time together.  We went on to trick or treat around the neighborhood with some neighbors that have similar aged kiddos, and Liam had a great time.  He was a little shy at first but quickly warmed up to the whole idea of getting candy - he would run on up to the door and give a hearty "Trick or treat!" when it opened up.  But I think we both had the most fun during our fun photo shoot in the front yard - I know this was one of the most fun Halloweens I can remember.  These were just a few of my favorite photos - for anyone who wants more awesome Jedi action head over to our flickr album.

Well that's it, short and sweet for this post.  I hope everyone else had a great Halloween!  Drop me a note in the comments below or shoot a quick email, would love to hear from everyone.