Tuesday, August 4, 2015

It's a boy!!

Luke Conley Langenkamp, welcome to this crazy, wonderful, spectacular world we live on that whizzes through our universe at 872,405 miles per hour!

He arrived a few weeks earlier than his due date (but not earlier than expected, at least for me), weighing in at 6 lb 8 oz and 18" long - he's a tiny little thing!  But cute as a button, of course.

The labor and delivery was a nicely relaxed venture, progressing slowly but steadily through the day.  Kristen was a champ and had a smile on her face the entire time, and we got to meet Luke at 6:09 pm last Wednesday 7/29/15.

We've been preparing Liam for Luke's arrival for some time now, and he's been spontaneously saying things like "When my baby brother comes, I'm going to help feed him, and rock him, and read him stories."  Well Liam didn't disappoint - right from the get go he's been a wonderful big brother, and one of his favorite things to do is hold baby Luke.


Clearly I'm biased, but Luke really is a cute little newborn - not nearly as alien-like as I expected ;)  He's also pretty pensive when he's awake.

I need to work on getting some more photos, but he hasn't changed all too much yet.  Making the transition from one to two kids has been challenging but good - I really love seeing how Liam interacts with Luke.  Liam has been really wonderful throughout this whole crazy ride - he's always helpful, grabbing me or Kristen wipes, blankets, clean diapers, or whatever else we don't have right at hand.  And he's always super sweet to his baby brother, giving him kisses or holding his hand in the car.

We're all at home, happy and healthy, and Kristen and I are fully into sleep deprivation mode - especially Kristen, what a trooper!  I'll try to get more photos and updates soon.