Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Up, Up, and Away!

The big news since our last post - Liam is officially walking!  I've got a ton of videos of him just starting to walk, getting more comfortable, and really cruising around.  I was actually lucky enough to get video of his very first solo steps, here it is:

The most incredible/surprising thing to me about his walking is how fast and sudden it's been.  I really expected more of a gradual progression, but it's like he just woke up that day and decided he was going to walk!  Fortunately Kristen and I were both there for his very first steps, which happened on Saturday 11/12.  The very next day he also started using his walking cart that we've had for him for over a month.  We had tried to get him to use it before, with absolutely no success.  This particular day, he saw it, went over, stood up, and started shooting around the house!

He's really fast on this thing - a few times it's almost gotten out from under him, but so far he hasn't had any major wipeouts (knock on wood).  Now it's been a few weeks since those first unaided steps, and his confidence is way up.  Here's a clip from last week:

It's just so fun to see him standing up like a little man.  Crawling was definitely a fun milestone - we could tell that he was so much happier when he was able to move around wherever he wanted to go.  Walking has been like that, only better.  He's so happy and proud of himself to walk around just like everyone else, and his general mood has improved even more.  I find most parents' reactions about Liam walking hilarious - most say some variation of "uh oh, now you're in for it", but we couldn't be more excited because he's so much happier and fun.  I can't wait to see what our little man does next!

On a somewhat related side note, I love the camera on my iPhone (iPhone 4).  All of the video I've shared here was taken on it, and the quality is really very good.  We have a dedicated video recorder that I've been using as well, but you can't beat the convenience of pulling the phone out of the pocket, shooting some video, and sending it via message or email in minutes.  Such a cool age we live in.

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