Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Photo Update: Holiday Edition

It took me a while to get it all together, but I've finally organized, retouched, and posted all our photos from the holidays!  I'll hit a few of the highlights here - feel free and head on over to the Picasa album page for the full shebang.

We started off the holidays traveling to Amy's house in Fulshear on Christmas day.  After a stretch of very mild weather (even for central Texas), it turned bitterly cold that day with a fierce wind, so everyone stayed inside and enjoyed all the tasty snacks.

Unfortunately, Liam's colic decided to rear it's ugly head, and Kristen and I ended up spending most of the day calming him, so I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I wanted to.  Otherwise, we had a lovely, relaxing day and just enjoyed getting out of the house for a bit with the little man.  When it was time to leave, I got one of my best photos of the day:

The next weekend, Kristen, Liam, and I hit the road again, this time heading to my mom's place in Brenham.  Having learned my lesson from before, I was determined to take some good photos.  I'm pretty sure I took roughly 400 pictures in the next hour, and definitely certain everyone was tired of the family paparazzi by the time I was finished (this turned out to be a good decision, as Kristen and I spent a good part of the day calming Liam again).  Here are a few of my favorites:

I have to include this - at one point Jess mocked my excessive picture taking, so of course I had to start a high-speed photo shoot.  She was a good sport, and disgustingly photogenic.


We had a great holiday despite Liam being a bit fussy at both family events.  We can't wait until next year - I'm sure he'll be running around and the star of the show.

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