Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Photography Bug

I've got it - bigtime.  In anticipation of Liam's arrival, I took the plunge and bought a DSLR camera a few months back.  I've always been interested in photography, but never really took the time to learn the intricacies of taking pictures with a nicer camera (nicer than the point-and-shoots I've always owned, anyways).  Here's my baby, a Canon EOS Rebel T1i:

So far, I've got the kit lens (18-55mm f/3.5-5.6) and two primes:  a 50mm f/1.8 and a 35mm f/2.  I've really been having a blast taking pictures with this, and I feel like I've definitely learned a lot.  It's so awesome learning with a digital camera, because you can take a shot, look at it, change a setting and shoot again, and see how it impacts your photo.  Between trial and error and some great online resources I've found, I've gotten the courage to move from the programmed settings to the manual ones on the camera, and have managed to start taking some pretty good photos.

I was going through some older photos and realized that I didn't post my pics from mine and Kristen's trip to San Francisco this last September.  This was the first real time I started using the camera, and I learned a ton on this trip alone.  Set me up nicely for taking good pictures of Liam.  Here are just a few of my favorite pics from the trip - for more, head on over to the Picasa album page where I've put captions on most of them to talk about the trip.


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