Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve Update

I can't believe the year is over.  It seems like just yesterday Kristen and I were sharing our news of being pregnant with Liam with everyone, and here he's been here with us for almost 2 months!  I meant to post an update this last Tuesday, which was Liam's 8 week old mark, but he's kept us both pretty busy lately. 

Ok, a little stats update for everyone - as of yesterday, our little guy weighed in at a whopping 10 lb 7 oz!  We also measured his height and head size - 22.5 inches and 15.25 inches (circumference), respectively.  Weight-wise, he's been marching right along his percentile line, gaining just what he should.  For height and head size, though, he's jumped up the charts quite a bit!  He's moved from the 25th to 50th percentile in height since birth, and his head has grown from the 15th to 50th percentile!  It just amazes me how these babies grow. 

I just finished posting a bunch of recent pictures to my Picasa account - here are a few of my favorites, and feel free to head on over to the Picasa album page to check out the rest.

We figured out that we've been battling a pretty good case of colic with Liam for the last 2-3 weeks.  It's nice to put a name to the face of this demon that takes hold of our otherwise sweet baby boy.  Somehow it helps, makes Kristen and I feel less like inadequate parents.  We also just started trying Gripe Water with our baby boy, and so far it seems to really be helping.  Hopefully we'll move through this colic phase quickly, and get on to the fun playtime phase soon.

I guess that's it for now - stay tuned for the next update!  Same bat time, same bat place.

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