Monday, December 27, 2010

Hello World!

So here we are, our first blog. We'll see how long I keep up with this, but I've been wanting to have a little place to write for a while now, and hopefully friends and family can actually keep up with what's going on these days (especially since Liam leaves very little time for normal adult communication).

Speaking of Liam, here's a pretty cute current picture of the little bugger:

That's one of his rare awake-yet-not-nursing-or-wailing moments these days. We keep hearing that the 3 month mark is the magic "wake up" moment for most infants - Kristen and I have our fingers crossed that he'll settle down in a month or so and start having some quality fun awake time.

So that's it for now - feel free and follow, comment, or just be an anonymous passerby.

1 comment:

  1. Well, he does look pretty cute and innocent there. Good picture. Glad y'all started a blog. Now I can keep up with your going's-on. Love, Mom


If you comment anonymously I'd love it if you left your name!