Thursday, April 18, 2013

A long over-due Liam update

Hey gang, I know this is what everyone is really interested in: an update on Liam!  I've been really bad about getting out the nice camera to take good photos of Liam, but I have a ton of random ones from my phone, as well as a ton of video.  I have my nice Canon and we have a nice handheld vidcam, but it's just so much easier and convenient to whip out the phone and snap a few pictures or a minute of video!

So as of writing this post, Liam is only 2 weeks away from being 2.5 years old, which blows my mind.  In fact, the last time I posted anything on here about him, he was only a couple months over a year, so we've got a lot to catch up on.  First, some very recent pictures from Easter (about 3 weeks ago).  These are just a few of my favorites:

For more like these go check out the Picasa album here.  It's just amazing when I look at him these days - he's definitely a little boy now, just kills me how grown up he is.  And he's quite the comedian - he's always coming up with hilarious stuff from out of nowhere.  I've managed to capture a few things here and there on video, which of course I will now share.

This is a very recent, random moment before dinner one night.

Liam got a trampoline for Christmas (thanks Mimi and Papa!) which has turned out to be one of the best gifts ever.  Here's a typical session (admittedly he's showing off a little for Aunt Hannah), from about a month and a half ago:

This one always makes me smile.  Liam loves to put on our shoes - this time, he was putting on my tennis shoes and clomping around.  Wait for when he says "hi" - melts my heart.

Last but not least, another short bit of him on the trampoline.  He's developed a trademark smile when he knows he's on camera, this one shows that off at the end.

He's really grown up on us, it just amazes me.  And if you're wondering - no, we still haven't cut his hair.  It's just too darn cute!  I'll finish up with one of my favorite all time snapshots of him from just a few nights ago - he was modeling his mama's new sunglasses and looking ridiculously cute.


  1. Zach, he is beautiful!!!! And you are right...they grow up way too fast! Enjoy every second with him :)claire


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